Généalogie et Histoire de la Caraïbe


Si vous lisez le français...

Our Society is involved in GENEABANK.
You could find 8.000 marriages from Guadeloupe and later we shall put others records. YOU can also help us.

If you do not know this service go to GENEABANK
or better go first to GENEANET to see if a name you are searching for is in a record from all societies and persons involved in GENEABANK.

If you have found in GENEABANK a record from our society :
- If you want have "SEL" (points) ask for GHC
- If you want to have more informations about these records ask for GHC

If you want to look at original records you can have microfilms
- In a LDS Center
- In Paris at CARAN
- In Aix en Provence at Centre des Archives d'Outre-mer
- In Gourbeyre at Archives départementales de la Guadeloupe
Have a look to Archives


In french West Indies some persons had only first names.
So perhaps you will not find them or you will have a lot of responses.
Ask us for your problem we shall try to help you.

Remember : we shall help you if possible. From you we expect to get informations about your searches on French West-Indies and French Guyana.

You can now go for a search

You can use Jokers (? et *) in the text fields.

date Min (1650) date Max (1840) Place/lieu
1st name of husband last name of husband 1st name of wife last name of wife

After filling fields click on

More informations

If in the last right column there is "infos" that means we have more informations on this record. Write down the date of the record and the place (or what is in the first column) and send us a mail

You can look at the list of towns and parishes
on our Web.

Retour à la Page d'accueil

Révision 30/08/2011